Stephen Hawking the most inspiring Astrophysicist and the greatest genius of modern history since Einstein. In spite of Hawking suffers from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [ALS or LouGehrig's disease], a disease that leads to paralysis by slow weakening of the muscles. Technology remains in true favor not for Hawking, but for us by making it possible for the Hawking to share his research with fellow scientists and the public as well.
Words+ allows Hawking to predict and complete words of sentences and the program also converts text to speech. It's word-prediction database holds up to 5,000 words and allows him to save thousands of set phrases that can be quickly retrieved and vocalized.
E Z Keys also doubles as an environmental-control unit capable of switching on/off appliances in the house. The program allows Hawking to turn on and off appliances, select his favorite CDs to play and control almost any device.
Hawking runs the program using several fingers in his right hand, where he still retains limited mobility.
In unison with E Z Keys, Hawking's second helping of Assistive Technology is a small portable computer and a speech synthesizer strapped to his wheelchair. Using this technology, Hawking has been able to write countless scientific articles, deliver hundreds of lectures and write a bestseller books like, A Brief History of Time.
This technology helped us to hear him loud and clear, as Hawking unlocks the mysteries of the universe. Without the presence of this technology, solid breakthroughs in quantum physics and many of his thoughts on the universe would never have been recorded, and we would have lost tremendous input from a great mind.
Hawking states, "While I have lost the ability to speak, I have not lost my ability to think. These products were designed specifically for people, like me, who can't speak".
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