Last week I have visited Sun Tech Days 2006 conference held in Chennai, India on 7th & 8th. The experience was quite amazing to gather together to meet top Sun JAVA global evangelists, industry experts / leaders and developers and have a face-to-face interaction with them. Being there gave me the feeling of being at Java One :).
I am posting the photos, I have taken during the wonderful moments in the conference. Hope you too enjoy it, like me !!
After the Welcome note by Bhaskar Pramanik, MD of Sun Microsystems India, The session started with “East Meets West: Software and Innovation” Kiran Karnik, President NASSCOM and Laura Merling of Executive Director, Sun Developer Forum with Matt Thompson, Director, Technology Outreach & Open Source program, Sun Microsystems.
Laurie Tolson, VP Java Platforms and Karen Tegan Padir, VP Enterprise Java Platforms discuss the benefits of Java SE: Tiger, Mustang, Dolphin, and You!, Java EE and Web 2.0.
Project GlassFish
Design of Cool Java ME Applications for Consumers and Enterprise Users session by Chuk-Munn Lee of Sun with Tai of Nokia Forum
Devices Supporting J2ME Technology
Live Demo of the Cool J2ME Game
Oracle Technical session by Sameer Vaishmpayam, Oracle
Java SE for Real-Time System: A Deep Dive session by Peter B. Kessler
Web-tier Programming Codecamp: AJAX Session by Sridhar Reddy
Oracle Keynote: SOA & The Agile Enterprise by Roel J Stalman, Senior Director, Oracle.
Shuffling for 'Refer a friend contest‘ to get iPod shuffle by Raghavan "Rags" and Roel J Stalman
People do everything for “Java Jacket Give-Away” :) …
Some Sing…
Here he is the winner with cool Java Jacket !!
Scripting Language Support for Java by A. Sundararajan
Power Lunch packed with Really Hot Spicy, Fresh and Cool dishes ….
Some of the Master Minds from my company, starting from the second from left: Prasanna V, Prasanna Kumar, Venkatesh, Moorali.
Munching popcorn and Thinking how technology could evolve… ;)
Mark McLaughlin, from Agitar session on Unit Testing
Cup of coffee with Brew Master, session to know the how history happens over a cup of coffee.
In the evening we are enthralled by a music feast by Drums Sivamani, Gattam Vikku Vinayakram, Mandolin Rajesh.
Sun Java Molded plate
Organizers of the Sun Tech Days 2006
Me and my friend Chiranjeevi with Chuk-Munn Lee Senior Developer Consultant and Technology Evangelist at Sun Microsystems
Me and my friend Chiranjeevi with Peter B. Kessler GCC Project Lead and Sridhar Reddy Java Technology Evangelist at Sun Microsystems
Gift’s I have received for my questions A Java Powered cool T-Shirt, Duke Doll and a Sun 10 Bucks!! :)
Complimentary gifts to everyone who attended the Sun Tech Days 2006, a Sun blue bag, Java Solaris T-Shirt, A Java powered pen.
Signature prints of the some of the top Sun JAVA global evangelists:
Solaris and NetBeans Day
Sun Tech Days 2006 had a 2 Bonus Tracks NetBeans & Solaris Day on 9th February. It’s a one day session about NetBeans IDE and Solaris 10 OS.
Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris, Changing the Game session by Peter Karlsson
A Short Movie about the Companies powered by Sun Solaris OS
NetBeans IDE for Java EE Development session by Sivakumar T
Multithreaded Solaris Application APIs and Tools session
Sun Studio 11, The Ultimate Tool for Solaris session by Peter Karlsson
Solaris Security APIs and Tools session
After the NetBeans and Solaris session everyone got a copy of Solaris 10 and NetBeans CD and cool T-shirts.
I just LOVED and Enjoyed the whole session… 3 days just went like some 3 hours :)… The whole event was quite well organized and all the people are quite friendly …
I would like to thank all the people out their at Sun Microsystems for conducting 'Sun Tech Days 2006', the premier technology conference at Chennai, India. Thank you Sun !! :)
Balakumar Muthu
This is sirish from hyderabad.Can u suggest me a some reference books for MySql and Java.Im a beginner in both.My email ID
Your blogs are very good.
I am also using MySql, more interested in OpenSource projects.I didn't know about the seminar. I have attended Sun Tech Days. Did you get the job in Google. Once, I have seen a long blog describing about your experiance in the Google interview.
read everythin' abt you...havin' same a tamil guy...from mumbai...did a research project from Cornell univ,NY in C....freakin' out in Mainframes now........keep in